How To Get Rid Of Gas After Gastric Bypass & Gastric Sleeve
When it comes to losing weight, gastric bypass surgery is one of the most effective ways to achieve your long-term health targets.
Still, there are some side effects to keep in mind, such as additional bloating or gas as you’re getting adjusted to the recovery period. Let’s talk about the reasons behind that and how to reduce trapped gas after gastric bypass surgery in NYC.
Painful Or Horrible Smelling Gas After Gastric Bypass
It’s normal to have some gas after your bariatric surgery. If you have gas pain years after gastric bypass, then that’s another issue. That being said, there are a few different potential causes for this.
The gastrointestinal tract could stop absorbing or breaking down nutrients as effectively. Additionally, you may be adjusting new dietary changes that can cause sensitivities resulting in additional gas.
However, regardless of the reasons, let’s talk about how to get rid of gas after gastric sleeve. Of course, if you are experiencing consistent painful gas, that’s something that you should speak with your doctor or surgeon about. Still, for the occasional side effects like trapped gas after gastric bypass that most patients see, here are some strategies to keep it limited:
Gastric Bypass And Gas: Limiting Occurrences Of Flatulence
Smelly gas after gastric bypass, consistent gas pain after gastric bypass, and other related symptoms typically have some of the following fixes:
Be Mindful Of What You Eat
Many people tend to overeat. The more food you consume, the more your body has to break down. This can result in undigested food, which causes gasses. Additionally, the faster you eat, the more likely you are to have gas.
Read more: Risks of Overeating After Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Chew Your Food Thoroughly
Chew 20 to 30 times if possible per bite. Mindful eating is incredibly beneficial. This allows you to get a head start on digestion and reduce excess gas after bariatric surgery.
Watch Out For Foods That Can Trigger Flatulence
Dairy, beans, and alcohol are examples of foods that can trigger additional gas production. If you want to limit excess gas after bariatric surgery, then be kind to your gastrointestinal tract and avoid common foods that create flatulence.
Use Probiotics
Probiotics are essentially good microorganisms, like bacteria, that help you digest food faster. By taking probiotic supplements, you’ll break down food more effectively, and less bacteria will be left in the gut. Ultimately, this is less fuel for gas.
Take Medications
Your doctor can prescribe you certain medications. However, there are some over-the-counter medications that your surgeon may suggest. This could include lactase supplements and alpha-galactosidase supplements, like Beano. They can help reduce bloating after gastric bypass.
Stay Active
The more hydrated and active you are, the better your body will turn food into energy instead of it sitting in your intestines and turning into gas. Even a short 20 or 30 minute walk occasionally can help.
Speak With A Skilled Bariatric Surgeon Right Now
Gas is nothing to worry about if it comes in moderation after bariatric surgery in NYC. However, excessive gas after gastric bypass is a concern. But reach out to our experts for bariatric surgery at Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program today. You’ll learn what your options are and how to get your weight under control once again.