Weight Loss Blog
Gastric bypass surgery can significantly improve type 2 diabetes, often leading to remission shortly after the procedure. In fact, many patients wonder if gastric bypass surgery can cure diabetes as they see their blood sugar levels normalize and reduce their need for medication. How effective is this surgery in the long term, and what mechanisms […]

What Happens When You Don’t Take Bariatric Vitamins After Surgery: Risks and Consequences
When you skip bariatric vitamins after surgery, you risk fatigue, anemia, and heart issues. This blog explores these risks and addresses what happe…

Top Protein Sources: How Vegetarians Can Get Enough Protein After Weight Loss Surgery
How can vegetarians get enough protein after weight loss surgery? After bariatric surgery, vegetarians need to carefully plan their diets. This blo…

How to Pass a Pre Bariatric Surgery Psych Evaluation: Best Tips and Advice
Wondering how to pass a pre-bariatric surgery psych evaluation? This assessment ensures you’re mentally and emotionally prepared for the significan…

Is Weight Loss Surgery Covered by Insurance? Find Out Here
Is weight loss surgery covered by health insurance? The answer is that it often depends on your insurance provider and specific circumstances. Many…

How Long After Gastric Sleeve Surgery Can I Have Sex? Your Post-Surgery Guide
Sex after gastric sleeve surgery is a common concern for most patients. They often wonder how long they need to wait before safely resuming sexual …

A Guide to the Gastric Sleeve Pre-Op Diet
Preparing for gastric sleeve surgery requires following a specific pre-op diet. In this guide to the gastric sleeves pre-op diet, you’ll learn…