Building a Weight-Loss Support System
The path of a weight-loss journey can be long and arduous, but it doesn’t have to be a lonely one. Making the difficult decision to follow through on the easy decision to lose weight can be challenging, but by finding a weight-loss support group you can push yourself closer to your body composition goals.
Overcoming Mental Roadblocks
Oftentimes, our weight-loss journeys are impeded by mental blocks more than physical ones. Because of this, it is imperative to the success of your weight-loss goals to find a way to overcome these mental barriers. There are many ways to overcome these barriers, but the two prominent ways to overcome mental barriers are through encouragement and support.
How to Find Weight Loss Support
Weight-loss journeys are often thought of as solo adventures of the soul where you fight your own body and mind into becoming your ideal versions of themselves. However, this is not the case. You should not undertake the journey of improving yourself alone. Finding a group to encourage you can be as simple as finding a walking group to help organize your activity by creating a routine. Finding a weight loss support group can be just as simple. There are many weight-loss related activity groups, for those wishing to combine the physical and mental, as well as groups solely invested in the mental aspect of weight loss.
Importance of Honesty
The biggest detriment to losing weight is dishonesty. While it can be important to be honest with others, it is absolutely imperative that you are honest with yourself on your weight-loss journey. Honesty allows us to reflect our hearts back to us and work past food cues and other mental blocks that may be holding us back on our journey. It is also important to listen honestly to our bodies on our weight-loss journeys, knowing when we can push them past their limits and when we should ease off.
Full-Service Solution
Lenox Hill Hospital is not only available to help springboard your weight-loss journey through bariatric surgery, but we can also become your weight loss support system by working with you to create a weight-loss plan best suited for the unique you and your health and lifestyle.