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Tag: Weight Loss Surgery

How Does Gastric Sleeve Work? Understanding the Weight Loss Procedure

Gastric sleeve surgery, or sleeve gastrectomy, reduces the stomach’s size by 80%, limiting food intake. It also alters hormones to decrease appetite and increase fullness. This article discusses how does gastric sleeves work, what happens during surgery, and what results you can expect.

Key Takeaways

  • Gastric sleeve surgery involves the removal of approximately 80% of the stomach, which limits food intake and induces hormonal changes that reduce appetite, particularly through decreased ghrelin production.
  • Patients can expect significant weight loss of about 60-70% of their excess weight within the first 12-18 months, alongside improvements in obesity-related health conditions, requiring sustainable lifestyle changes to maintain results.
  • The procedure entails crucial pre-surgery preparation, minimally invasive techniques for the operation, and a structured post-surgery recovery plan, emphasizing the importance of dietary guidelines, physical activity, and ongoing medical support for successful outcomes.

Mechanism of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Mechanism of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, involves removing about 80% of the stomach, leaving a tube-like structure. This reduction limits food intake and induces hormonal changes, particularly reducing ghrelin, the “hunger hormone,” which decreases appetite and increases fullness.

Stomach Reduction

Around 80% of the stomach is removed, forming a slender tube that restricts food intake and reduces ongoing hunger. This leads to feeling full with less food, aiding in sustained weight loss.

Hormonal Changes

Post-surgery, ghrelin levels drop significantly, curbing appetite and promoting satiety with smaller portions. These hormonal shifts are crucial for long-term weight loss success.

Caloric Intake and Absorption

The reduced stomach size limits food consumption, leading to lower calorie intake. Proper nutrition management is essential post-surgery to ensure adequate vitamin and mineral intake.

Procedure Details

Procedure Details

Gastric sleeve surgery involves several critical steps, from pre-operative preparation to the surgical procedure and recovery. Each phase is meticulously planned for safety and effectiveness.

Pre-Surgery Preparation

Patients follow a detailed regimen, including a two-week liquid diet to reduce abdominal and liver fat and a mandatory 12-hour fast before surgery.

Surgical Process

The procedure, often performed using laparoscopic or robotic methods, involves creating a slender stomach sleeve with a laparoscopic stapler. The surgery typically takes 60 to 90 minutes.

Post-Surgery Recovery

Post-surgery, patients usually stay in the hospital for one night. Recovery takes about two to four weeks, during which patients must adhere to specific nutritional and physical activity guidelines to ensure proper healing and maximize the surgery’s benefits. The new stomach pouch holds 56 to 140 grams of food, significantly reducing food intake.

Expected Outcomes

Expected Outcomes

Gastric sleeve surgery can significantly impact a person’s life by reducing weight and improving overall health. Most individuals lose about 60-70% of their excess body weight within the first 12-18 months post-surgery, which often improves obesity-related conditions.

Maintaining these results requires lifestyle changes in diet, exercise, and mental health. Let’s explore these impacts further.

Weight Loss Results

Patients can expect to lose a significant portion of their excess weight. On average, a decrease of about 22.9 kilograms in the first year is common, often more than what can be achieved with lifestyle changes alone.

Within two years, many patients lose at least half of their excess weight. However, results can vary from person to person.

Health Improvements

Gastric sleeve surgery not only promotes weight loss but also improves health conditions like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and severe sleep apnea. Lower ghrelin levels post-surgery help manage these issues more effectively.

Long-Term Lifestyle Changes

To ensure lasting weight loss, patients must adopt healthy lifestyle practices, including a nutritious diet and regular exercise. Ongoing support is crucial for maintaining these changes and achieving continuous success.

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates for gastric sleeve surgery usually have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of at least 40 or a BMI of 35-40 with obesity-related health conditions. Patients are expected to attempt weight loss through diet and exercise before qualifying for surgery.

Comparison with Other Bariatric Procedures

Comparison with Other Bariatric Procedures

Weight loss surgery encompasses various bariatric procedures, including gastric sleeves and gastric bypass. These surgeries offer different approaches to assist individuals in losing weight, and comparing them allows patients to make knowledgeable choices regarding their health.

Often chosen for its straightforwardness and successful outcomes, the gastric sleeve procedure stands out among other surgical options. Nevertheless, it is essential to grasp the distinctions between these surgical methods thoroughly before making an informed decision on which surgery aligns with one’s personal health goals. A comprehensive analysis of each can illuminate these disparities.

Gastric Sleeve vs. Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass surgery entails the construction of a diminutive stomach pouch and the alteration of the small intestine’s pathway. Patients usually experience considerable weight reduction following either procedure, although gastric bypass tends to yield marginally greater weight loss.

On the other hand, gastric sleeve surgery is associated with a reduced likelihood of complications such as dumping syndrome compared to gastric bypass.

Gastric Sleeve vs. Duodenal Switch

The gastric sleeves are a simpler and more effective weight-loss procedure, but for those who require a more substantial reduction in weight, the duodenal switch might be appropriate. Although it can result in greater weight loss, this more complex surgery involves additional intestinal rerouting and carries an increased risk of nutrient deficiencies along with higher risks overall.

Compared to the gastric sleeve, which entails less complexity, the duodenal switch includes extra steps to rearrange the intestines. This method may lead to enhanced weight loss. It poses higher potential hazards and could lead to deficits in essential nutrients.

Choosing the Right Procedure

Selecting an appropriate bariatric surgery is crucial for attaining the anticipated outcomes in weight reduction and enhancing health. Considerations such as one’s body mass index (BMI), general health state, and objectives related to weight loss must be factored in. It is imperative to seek advice from medical experts to thoroughly assess individual circumstances and probable results before finalizing a choice on the procedure.

Life After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Life After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Post-gastric sleeve surgery, individuals must adopt significant lifestyle changes and maintain regular medical follow-ups. A reduction in BMI and improvements in obesity-related health conditions are common. Adhering to nutritional guidelines, engaging in regular exercise, and ongoing medical support are essential for long-term success.

Dietary Guidelines

Patients start with a liquid diet for the first one to two weeks, gradually transitioning to solid foods. The progression includes clear liquids, soft foods, and a focus on high-protein intake and proper hydration.

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity helps sustain weight loss and improve overall health, alleviating issues such as heart disease and joint pain.

Ongoing Medical Support

Consistent medical appointments are crucial to monitor weight loss and address health concerns. Continuous healthcare support ensures patients stay on track and make necessary adjustments for lasting success.


Gastric Sleeve Surgery provides a significant means for individuals grappling with severe obesity to attain considerable weight loss by enacting both anatomical and hormonal alterations. The operation entails the surgical reduction of stomach capacity, serving a dual purpose: it restricts how much one can eat while also diminishing the secretion of hunger hormones, paving the way for sustainable weight management and enhancing outcomes in health issues such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

This procedure is not the sole step towards improved well-being. It necessitates enduring dedication to changes in lifestyle habits post-surgery. These include adhering to a nutritious diet, maintaining consistent exercise routines, and seeking continuous medical counsel. Recognizing what gastric sleeves entail alongside their advantages—and recognizing that lifelong adjustments are essential—equips patients with knowledge crucial for pursuing an invigorated existence marked by better health and increased activity levels.

At Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program, we are dedicated to guiding you through every step of your weight loss journey. Our experienced team provides comprehensive support, from pre-surgical consultations to post-operative care, ensuring you achieve and maintain your health goals. If you’re considering a gastric sleeve in New York, visit us to learn more about how we can help you transform your life and embrace a healthier, more active future.

Can Weight Loss Surgery Help With Type 2 Diabetes?

Taking serious steps when it comes to changing your lifestyle goes a long way to managing type 2 diabetes. However, there are still chances that the disease may progress, and you may also have other complications, especially if you are struggling with obesity. Therefore, you may want to know if bariatric surgery can help with type 2 diabetes.

How Does Bariatric Surgery Help With Diabetes?

Did you know that obesity and diabetes are both products of issues with your body’s metabolism? Diabetes occurs when the body starts forming a resistance to insulin, which is the hormone responsible for regulating the blood’s sugar levels. Therefore, significant weight loss through surgery has so many benefits, including sending type 2 diabetes into remission.

However, this doesn’t mean you will be cured of diabetes. It helps you control it, such that you don’t have to heavily rely on medication to help control your blood sugar. The more weight you lose, the higher the chances of managing diabetes, and here’s how.

Healthier BMI

One of the main advantages of undergoing a weight loss procedure is that it helps you speed up the process of regaining a healthy body mass index. When you can reduce the amount of food you take, you also reduce the number of calories absorbed by your body. This way, you gain better control of your blood sugar levels and decrease the body’s resistance to insulin.

Healthier Metabolism

Another way of helping diabetes with weight loss surgery is by encouraging better metabolism. Bariatric surgery has a way of triggering changes in the production of gut hormones, which means your metabolism improves, so you regain control over your sugar levels. Thanks to the production of hormones like ghrelin and GLP-1, the body’s production of insulin improves, helping the body utilize the blood sugar and prevent it from building up.

Better Metabolism

Take the gastric bypass procedure, for instance, where the surgeon separates the stomach into two chambers. The smallest part is directly connected to the small intestines, as the larger section is bypassed, so it is unable to receive food. When the intestines are rerouted like this, it affects the way that the body metabolizes insulin, and this has a huge effect on dealing with diabetes.

Bariatric Surgery Experts in NYC

If you have any questions about how bariatric surgery can help manage type 2 diabetes or any other disease, be sure to reach out to our experts in bariatric surgery in NYC at Lenox Hill Hospital.

Can I Have Bariatric Surgery With a Hiatal Hernia?

Have you been dealing with heartburn, vomiting, and other side effects of having a hiatal hernia? Obesity has a role to play when it comes to the development of the condition, but what if you want to undergo bariatric surgery? You have so many questions, and it makes you wonder if you can even have weight loss surgery if you have a hernia. Here is what you need to know.

What Is a Hiatal Hernia?

This is a condition whereby a part of a patient’s stomach starts protruding into the chest through the diaphragm, which is the muscle that separates the chest and the abdomen. It is quite common for people to report having the condition, which causes symptoms such as heartburn, pain in the chest, and issues with swallowing food. Usually, a hiatal hernia doesn’t need treatment unless there are more severe complications.

You will also notice that it is more common in people battling with obesity because they experience issues with high pressure in their abdomen. The only problem comes when a hiatal hernia patient wants a surgical weight loss procedure. Can a person have weight loss surgery with a hiatal hernia? Yes, they can, and the good news is that the surgeon can perform the bariatric surgery and correct the hernia at the same time.

Hiatal Hernia Repair During Weight Loss Surgery

If you were wondering if hiatal surgery can be combined with bariatric surgery, the simple answer is yes. In fact, once you get the surgery done, chances are high that the hernia will reduce or be eliminated even without the experts actively handling it, although it may return. Therefore, surgeons recommend you get the repair done together with the bariatric surgery. This way, the risk of hernia returning is significantly low.

How to Identify a Hernia Before Weight Loss Surgery

If you have been complaining about pain in the chest or top part of the abdomen and are vomiting or have serious heartburn, the doctor will help determine if you have a hiatal hernia. The testing can be done through an X-ray, endoscopy, or esophageal manometry. If they find out that you have a hiatal hernia, it is easier to plan the next step: whether to repair it through surgery or not actively address it.

Talk to Qualified Professionals

Thanks to bariatric surgery and hernia repair, you end up not only losing weight but also reducing the symptoms of GERD. If you are looking for help with weight loss surgery in New York, consider reaching out to our experts at Lenox Hill Hospital.

Expectations After Weight Loss Surgery

Have you struggled with weight loss programs and are considering undergoing surgery? You must have so many concerns about the procedure and, most importantly, don’t know what to expect. This guide will take you through the most important questions when it comes to what to expect after weight loss surgery.

How much weight will you lose?

The main goal when undergoing the surgery is to lose as much weight as possible. There are various surgeries, so the result usually depends on the procedure. This explains why it is crucial to choose the right bariatric surgery. Your current weight will also determine the results. However, gastric sleeve surgery is very popular. So, when it comes down to what to expect after gastric sleeve, you will likely lose as much as 40% of your extra weight. On the other hand, you may lose up to 60% of it after a gastric bypass.

What does recovery look like?

This is a very common question because you want to know how long it will take to get back on your feet after the surgery. It will depend on the individual and the type of procedure. Take the bypass surgery, for instance, which is laparoscopic. Since the surgeon makes small incisions, it means that you will recover in a short time and maybe stay in the hospital for only 2–3 days. Therefore, 3–5 weeks should be enough for you to make a full recovery and resume your daily activities.

What are the benefits of the surgery?

In most cases, the health benefits of weight loss surgery happen in no time. If you have preexisting conditions like diabetes, you will soon see physical improvements. Your blood pressure will also stabilize, and you will see changes in conditions like sleep apnea and arthritis. There will also be excellent changes in the long run as you keep your weight in check.

What changes will you make after surgery?

In matters of what to expect after gastric bypass or gastric sleeve, there will be some changes in your lifestyle. This will be very important to help keep off the extra weight and keep you in shape. You will adjust your nutrition, switching to smaller portions of healthy meals as you avoid junk, starch, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and other high-calorie foods. Daily exercise will also be your lifestyle because you must stay active to improve your metabolism and overall health.

Heed to Professional Advice After Weight Loss Surgery

You don’t have to worry about undergoing weight loss surgery in New York. With the right team, like the professionals at Lenox Hill Hospital, you are in safe hands and are sure to make a full recovery and enjoy a successful procedure.

Overweight Woman Eating Salad In A Kitchen

Tips to Consider When Eating Out After Weight Loss Surgery

Undergoing bariatric surgery means making a few alterations in your lifestyle to help keep your weight in check and avoid complications, but what about going out to eat? After the surgery, will you never enjoy spending time with friends and family at a restaurant? That’s not the case. The following are some handy tips to consider to stay comfortable when eating out after bariatric surgery.

Research and Check the Menu Online

Before going to any restaurant, the first thing to do is ensure the meal options meet the post-surgery requirements. You want to ensure they serve healthy meals, especially those rich in proteins and vegetables, and that use healthy fats for cooking. To be safe, you can take the time to choose the place yourself, ensuring that their options are nutritious.

Get Creative With Your Order

If you feel that the options do not necessarily align with your body’s changes, you can always customize your orders. Luckily, most restaurants are kind enough to accommodate you when you make special requests. When eating out after gastric sleeve, you can ask for dressing or sauces on the sides or only take salads. So be sure to communicate your needs with the servers.

Remember Mindful Eating and Portion Control

You must be on guard after surgery to avoid eating certain things like gum and excessive sugar and to avoid oversized portions. Mindful eating helps you adhere to this because you can listen to your body’s cues telling you that you are full. Take the time to savor your bites, and take pauses in between. To be safe, you can even order appetizers or get a take-away container to save half the portion for later.

Stay Hydrated

One more tip when eating out after a gastric sleeve surgery is to stay hydrated. The risk of confusing thirst as hunger may make you indulge more. You can drink water 30 minutes before eating, and if you must take something between meals, make sure you sip slowly and avoid drinking too much. Lastly, it is best to avoid alcohol when eating because it means more calorie intake, and it may also interfere with your mindful eating habits.

Seek advice From the Best in the Industry

Eating out after any weight loss surgery means thorough research and planning. Unlike preparing a meal at home, you must check the menu and make special requests if necessary. Be mindful of the tips above to avoid complications, and if you have any concerns, be sure to consult with our surgeons for bariatric surgery in NYC at Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program.

Woman Feeling Dizzy In Doorway

Why You Get Dizzy After Bariatric Surgery

Your doctor will inform you about certain temporary changes in your body after bariatric surgery. It takes some time to adjust to the alterations in your digestive system, explaining why you will likely experience dizziness after bariatric surgery. Take a look at the reasons behind this and ways to manage it.


Patients are advised to increase their daily water intake and make other dietary changes. Otherwise, blood flow to the brain and blood pressure may drop, making you feel lightheaded. The more fluids you take in, the more your sugar levels stabilize. For best results, consider drinking 48–64 ounces daily.

Blood Pressure Drops

Low blood pressure is quite common in patients post-surgery, especially when they stand or sit up too quickly. Also called positional vertigo, it occurs when not enough blood flows through the organs. To prevent this, ensure that you ingest more fluids and go for regular blood pressure checks.

Read More : Is Bariatric Surgery Effective for Treating High Blood Pressure?

Blood Sugar Drops

One more cause of dizziness after weight loss surgery is reduced absorption of glucose. Considering that the procedure alters digestion and limits food intake, including sugar, insufficient glucose is expected. This is a leading cause of feeling dizzy, and to combat this, it is advisable to eat small portions of food consistently throughout the day.

Vitamin Deficiency

Due to changes in the digestive system, it is normal for the body to have issues digesting vital nutrients. Vitamin and iron deficiencies occur in most patients, and the aftermath is problems like shortness of breath, fatigue, and lightheadedness. You should eat more protein-rich meals and consult with your doctor on the best supplements to take.

Side Effects of Medication

There are various medications prescribed to patients after weight-loss surgery to help with healing. However, some have a fair share of side effects depending on the individual’s body. You might experience headaches, increased heart rate, fatigue, and dizziness.


Although slim, there is a chance that a patient may experience leaks along the staple lines after surgery. This complication leads to severe abdominal pain, increased heart rate, fatigue, shortness of breath, and dizziness. If you are in excruciating pain, it is crucial to seek urgent medical attention because you may be suffering from anastomosis.

Seek Professional Medical Attention

Feeling lightheaded after gastric sleeve or any other weight-loss surgery happens to most patients. This is a temporary way for the body to adjust to the changes in your digestive system. However, if the symptoms persist, it is best to consult our experts for bariatric surgery in New York from Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program.

Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery is one of the most effective solutions to help you kickstart your journey to a healthy lifestyle. You probably have many questions and concerns if you are just hearing about it. The following are the most common questions to ask about bariatric surgery.

Am I a Good Candidate for Bariatric Surgery?

One of the first questions to ask is the eligibility criteria. Generally, you must be 16–70 years old to be a good candidate for surgery. You should also be recognized as morbidly obese, meaning your BMI (Body Mass Index) should be 40 or more. However, there are a few exceptions to these rules, so check with your doctor to confirm.

What Are the Available Bariatric Surgery Options?

If you are eligible for the surgery, you can now consult to find the best option for you. There are four types available.

  • Gastric bypass. This involves partitioning the stomach into two parts to reduce its size and redirect how food flows.
  • Gastric sleeve. Here, the stomach is separated and removed, reducing its size and making you feel full faster.
  • Gastric band/lap band. Surgery involves using a rubber ring with an inflatable balloon in your stomach to reduce the capacity.
  • Duodenal switch. It is a modification of the gastric sleeve where the surgeons place a valve to release food into the intestines.

How Much Weight Should I Expect To Lose?

The outcome of the procedure usually varies based on the patient. However, in most cases, you will likely lose 30–40% of your excess weight after bariatric surgery in NY. The amount of weight loss depends on the procedure and the individual.

Are There Any Risks?

Again, the risks to expect vary according to the procedure. Some of the most common include kidney stones, acid reflux, back pain, and ulcers. However, these are temporary and go away with time and proper medication. You have to exercise and watch your nutrition post-surgery; otherwise, there is a risk of not losing the weight you intend or regaining the weight you have lost.

How Long Does It Take To Heal After Bariatric Surgery?

You can leave the hospital days after surgery, and in 4–6 weeks, you should be back on your feet doing everyday tasks. You can start light exercising, gradually increasing the intensity, and remember to make dietary changes. However, for concerns like whether you are ready for pregnancy, remember to consult with your doctor first.

Read More: Is Pregnancy Possible After Bariatric Surgery?

Talk To Your Doctor Before Bariatric Surgery

There are many questions to ask a bariatric surgeon, and you need an expert opinion before starting the journey. Contact our experienced surgeons at Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program to guide you before, during, and after surgery for a successful procedure.

Gastric Bypass vs Duodenal Switch: Choosing the Correct Weight Loss Surgery Procedure

With more of the U.S. population showing signs of weight increase, obesity is a growing concern. There are several complications related to the condition—most being fatal. In cases where exercise and diet are not enough to help, experts suggest bariatric weight loss surgeries. Here is what you need to know to choose between the two standard weight loss procedures: duodenal switch surgery vs. gastric bypass.

The Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass has been around since the 50s and has proven to be one of the most effective ways to battle obesity. It is also called the Roux-en-Y and has a simple objective: To make the patient’s stomach smaller. The surgeon alters the intestines’ anatomy, changing the path of the food to reduce the digestive process by two-thirds. This way, the stomach gets smaller, making you feel full faster and lowering the calorie count.

The Duodenal Switch

This procedure is known scientifically as the BPD-DS (biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch). The difference between gastric bypass and duodenal switch is that this procedure starts with the gastric sleeve, followed by adjusting the intestines. During the gastric sleeve surgery, the stomach is permanently reduced to about 15%, making it more tube-like.

After resizing the stomach, the intestines are rearranged and rerouted, avoiding contact with the digestive juices. The goal is to reduce how many calories are absorbed in the body. Ultimately, the duodenal switch incorporates two procedures in one—malabsorptive and restrictive—leading to massive weight loss.

Duodenal Switch Vs Gastric Bypass: Which To Choose

Several factors come into play when deciding which technique to opt for. You need to choose an effective yet safe procedure. While the professionals will help you choose the perfect procedure, you should also know the pros and cons of each. Gastric bypass surgery is the most common, ideal for patients with a BMI of 40-50, and takes only 2 hours.

In contrast, the duodenal switch surgery works for patients whose BMI is over 50, is more invasive, and takes about 4 hours. When helping decide, doctors present the risks and advantages involved in both procedures. They account for your health, your expected weight loss level, and the probability of complications.

Seek the Help of a Professional

Surgery is effective in matters of massive weight loss. It helps reduce mobility issues, back and joint pains, sleep apnea, and several other obesity-related complications. Consider gastric bypass surgery in NYC if considering a go-to procedure with numerous benefits. Our professionals at Lenox Hill Hospital will guide you from the consultation to recovery and beyond.

Vitamins Needed After Weight Loss Surgery

Bariatric surgery will impact your digestive system, affecting your food intake. The surgery reduces the size of an individual’s stomach, making them consume less food. The surgery also alters the small intestines, affecting the absorption of nutrients. This means that a bariatric patient may not absorb enough vitamins, hence the need to take vitamin supplements for the rest of their life for good health. What are the best vitamins to take after bariatric surgery? Read on to find out.

What Vitamins Should I Take After Gastric Sleeve

After your bariatric surgery, you are prone to a deficiency of critical vitamins if you do intake them through supplements. Therefore, your bariatrician will prescribe some of the vitamins you need, but you can also purchase them over the counter from the supermarket or pharmacy. These vitamins include:

A-Z Multivitamins

Start by taking your multivitamins as soon as you can after surgery. Your doctor will prescribe a soluble formula for the first month after discharge and tablets later. In the first month, consider complete multivitamins and avoid vitamin skin patches and gummy options. Ensure you take the supplements with food or after meals to minimize nausea.

If taking over-the-counter multivitamins, take them in the morning and at bedtime. Remember, these supplements are different, and some surgeries will demand more multivitamins compared to others. Therefore, consult your bariatrician to establish if your vitamin routine meets your needs.

Vitamin D Combined Formula

If you are wondering what vitamins I should take after bariatric surgery, consider the vitamin D combined formula. Vitamin D regulates calcium and phosphorus levels in the body and keeps the muscles and teeth healthy. Generally, you will need up to 3,000 international units of vitamin D3 daily. To take this vitamin, add it to your multivitamin and check if it meets your needs.

Vitamin B12

Bariatricians also recommend vitamin B12 in the vitamins bariatric patients should take list. This vitamin maintains the nervous system and helps generate the red blood cells. Changes in your small intestine and stomach after bariatric surgery will affect your vitamin B12 intake, risking deficiency.

You can take these supplements orally or through injection. If taking orally, consider 500 mg every day, and if by monthly injection, follow your healthcare professional prescription. Remember to review your intake annually with the help of your bariatric team through an annual blood draw.

Simplify Your Vitamin Supplement Routine

Taking your vitamin supplements regularly will increase your endurance, and retaining the schedule will increase success. For more information on New York City bariatric surgery, along with what vitamins should a bariatric patient take, contact Northwell Lenox Hill Hospital today.

Exercises for Optimal Health After Weight Loss Surgery

Bariatric surgery can be a life-changing decision for individuals seeking to achieve significant weight loss and improve their overall health. However, the journey toward sustainable health doesn’t end with surgery alone. Regular exercise after bariatric surgery is crucial for maintaining the positive outcomes of the procedure. Exercise not only aids in weight management but also brings many benefits to help you lead a healthier and more fulfilling life. Here are exercises you can perform after weight loss surgery.

Preserving Lean Muscle Mass

One of the critical goals after weight loss surgery is to shed excess body fat while preserving lean muscle mass. Engaging in a combination of aerobic exercises and strength training helps achieve this balance. Cardiovascular activities like brisk walking, cycling, and swimming enhance heart health, burn calories, and improve overall fitness.

Strength training exercises, such as resistance bands, free weights, and bodyweight exercises, aid in building and maintaining muscle mass. This dual approach is essential for boosting metabolism, as lean muscle burns more calories at rest.

Promoting Stability and Flexibility

Significant weight loss can sometimes result in changes in body balance and posture. The exercises after bariatric surgery that focus on stability and flexibility can mitigate these effects. Yoga and Pilates are excellent options that help improve core strength, balance, and flexibility. These exercises contribute to better posture and reduce the risk of injuries by promoting body awareness and control. As you regain confidence in your body’s movements, you’ll be better equipped to enjoy an active lifestyle.

Improving Skin Elasticity

After bariatric surgery and substantial weight loss, your skin might need time to adapt to your new body shape. While exercise after weight loss surgery cannot eliminate excess skin, it can help improve skin elasticity to some extent. Strength training exercises stimulate collagen production, improving skin’s elasticity and tone. Combined with proper hydration and skincare, regular exercise can optimize skin health and appearance.

Managing Coexisting Conditions

Weight loss surgery often positively affects various coexisting health conditions, such as high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. After bariatric surgery, exercise is a powerful tool to manage these conditions effectively. Aerobic exercises aid in lowering blood pressure by improving cardiovascular health and enhancing blood flow. In addition, regular physical activity improves insulin sensitivity, making it easier to manage blood sugar levels for people with diabetes. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting a new bariatric surgery exercise regimen.

Choosing the Right Exercises

When incorporating exercise into your routine after bariatric surgery, it’s essential to choose activities that align with your fitness level and preferences. Start gradually and listen to your body. Low-impact activities like swimming or stationary cycling are gentle on joints, making them ideal for those with joint concerns. As your fitness improves, you can slowly increase the intensity of your workouts.

Here’s To the Healthy New You

Embarking on the journey of weight loss surgery is a remarkable step toward a healthier life. To ensure the success and sustainability of your transformation, Lenox Hill Hospital can help you incorporate the right exercises after weight loss surgery into your routine. Contact us today and schedule a consultation with our representatives to learn more about weight loss surgery in New York.