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Tag: Gastric Bypass Surgery

Person Holding Digestive System Cutout

Differences Between Mini Gastric Bypass Vs. Gastric Bypass

Bariatric surgery is one of the most effective weight-loss procedures. It comes in various forms, including gastric bypass and duodenal switch, the former being the most popular. If you are interested in gastric bypass, know that it comes in two versions, a mini bypass vs bypass. Understanding how they work and their differences can help you decide which one to go for.

Here is an analysis of mini gastric bypass vs. gastric bypass surgery.

The Procedure

Mini-bypass surgery was created as a less complicated version of the standard bypass. Although the two work the same way, restricting meal consumption and reducing the absorption of calories, the mini bypass is simpler and involves fewer risks. During the gastric bypass procedure, the doctors create a smaller stomach pouch, bypassing the small intestine and connecting it with the new stomach. However, for a mini bypass, the stomach is reduced but linked to the first part of the intestines.

Cost and Operating Time

As you can tell, the gastric bypass is more complex than a mini bypass, so you will expect to pay slightly more to get it done. Additionally, the two have almost the same operating times depending on the individual case. However, considering the mini bypass is a simpler procedure, it usually takes less time to perform, while a bypass can take up to two hours.

Hospital Stay and Recovery

On average, the number of days you will stay in the hospital after undergoing either of the procedures is the same: 2–3 days. However, gastric bypass patients may end up staying a little longer, depending on the individual, and some can stay for up to six days. Luckily, the recovery time in both cases is fast. However, given the more complicated nature of a gastric bypass, you will heal faster after undergoing a mini bypass.

Read More : Gastric Bypass Recovery

Post-Surgery Complications

The two procedures have a very small risk of complications. However, there are even lower risks involved after undergoing a mini gastric bypass. It is generally considered a safer option for patients because it doesn’t involve that much rerouting of the digestive organs. There are fewer chances of anastomosis, which is the leakage along the staple lines, but on the downside, gastric bypass is the go-to in terms of efficacy. There is a higher chance of losing more weight over time than after undergoing a mini bypass.

Let a Medical Professional Help You Make the Best Decision

In the comparison of mini bypass vs gastric bypass, the two have a fair share of advantages, making it challenging to decide which one to choose. When you contact our surgeons for gastric bypass surgery experts in NYC from Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program, they will guide you in selecting the best option.

Woman Eating A Slice Of Pizza

Can You Ever Eat Pizza After Gastric Bypass?

A gastric sleeve surgery removes a large portion of your stomach, and giving it time to heal is advisable before resuming your normal functions. During recovery after bariatric surgery in NY, you must eat smaller portions and avoid foods like pizza, which are high in sugar and fat. Does this mean you are barred completely from eating pizza? Read on to find out when you can eat pizza after a gastric bypass.

Can You Eat Pizza After Gastric Bypass?

If you frequently enjoy a slice of pizza, you may wonder, ‘When can I have pizza after gastric bypass surgery?’ Fortunately, you do not have to eliminate pizza from your diet forever after a bypass surgery, but you should wait for at least 6 weeks before you can comfortably enjoy your delicacy. While doing this, you should be mindful of its nutritional value when you choose to consume it, given that it has sugar that can cause weight gain over time.

Gauging your pizza’s nutritional value is dependent on what you put on it, and a vegetable-rich pizza will be ideal for its vitamins A and C. To improve your pizza quality, spice your toppings with peppers, mushrooms, spinach, and other rich vegetables. Your pizza should also be low in carbs, and you should watch your portions if you are to meet your long-term weight loss goals.

Read more: Gastric Bypass Reversal: Everything You Need to Know

Is My Body Ready for Pizza After Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery alters your digestive system through surgical changes, limiting the amount of food you take and your nutrient uptake. Eating pizza after gastric bypass is unadvisable in the first weeks as its greasiness may affect digestion, causing digestive discomfort or even pain. So, how long after a gastric bypass can you eat pizza?

To be on the safe side, stick to the eating plan prescribed by your doctor, as this will assist in quick recovery and also quicken your weight loss. Your doctor will prescribe an all-liquid rich-in-protein diet pre- and post-surgery for your body to access all the nutrients it needs.

After surgery, your body will experience hormonal changes that will reduce your hunger pangs and make you feel full faster, promoting weight loss. Afterward, your doctor will introduce solid foods gradually, and months later, you can incorporate a small piece of pizza on your menu.

Adjust Your Diet With the Help of a Professional

Your diet is critical following a gastric bypass surgery, and while you will have pizza cravings, avoiding it in the first weeks of your recovery is inevitable. Schedule a consultation for gastric bypass surgery in NYC at Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program and let our professionals walk the journey with you.

Gastric Bypass Reversal: Everything You Need to Know

Bariatric surgery has emerged as a transformative solution for individuals struggling with severe obesity and subsequent health complications. Among the various procedures available, gastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgery have gained prominence for their effectiveness in achieving weight loss and improving metabolic health. Gastric bypass surgery is commonly performed to address obesity and targets conditions such as sleep apnea and metabolic diseases. By altering the digestive system and stomach size, gastric bypass offers a chance at a healthier life. However, an important question arises: Can a gastric bypass be reversed? Here are the factors determining if you can reverse gastric bypass surgery and the safety considerations associated with the procedure.

Can You Reverse Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery involves a fundamental alteration of the digestive process. During the procedure, the surgeon creates a small pouch at the top of the stomach, which is then connected directly to the small intestine. By bypassing the upper part of the small intestine and a portion of the stomach, this rerouting reduces the absorption of nutrients, contributing to weight loss and improved metabolic health.

The reversibility of gastric bypass depends on various factors, including the surgeon’s technique, the patient’s overall health, and the duration of the surgery. Unlike other bariatric surgeries, such as adjustable gastric banding, gastric bypass involves anatomical changes that make complete reversal complex. Reversing a gastric bypass would require re-establishing the original connections of the digestive tract, which might not be straightforward because of scar tissue formation and anatomical changes. Here are factors to determine if gastric bypass surgery can be reversed.

Time Since Surgery

The longer the time since the gastric bypass surgery, the more difficult it becomes to reverse the procedure. Adhesions and scar tissue formation make it challenging to restore the original anatomy.

Health Considerations

Patients with underlying health conditions might not be suitable candidates for reversal. In addition, complications post-surgery could affect the decision to pursue a gastric bypass reversal.

Weight Loss and Health Improvement

Gastric bypass surgery often leads to significant weight loss and improvements in health conditions like diabetes and hypertension. Reversing the procedure could lead to weight regain and a resurgence of these health issues. It is imperative to consult a healthcare professional to determine if gastric bypass surgery can be reversed.

Safety Considerations

Gastric bypass surgery is generally considered safe, with advancements in surgical techniques and preoperative evaluations contributing to reduced risks. However, like any surgical procedure, it does carry potential risks and complications, including infections, bleeding, blood clots, and adverse reactions to anesthesia.

The safety of reversing gastric bypass largely depends on the patient’s circumstances. Reversal surgery might pose higher risks compared to the initial procedure because of factors such as scar tissue, altered anatomy, and the potential for increased surgical complexity.

Gastric bypass surgery has revolutionized the treatment of severe obesity and related health conditions, offering patients a chance to achieve significant weight loss and improved metabolic health. Whether you can reverse gastric bypass involves complex considerations, hence the need to consult the experts at Lenox Hill Hospital. We explore all the possibilities before pursuing gastric bypass or its reversal. Schedule a consultation today and learn more about gastric bypass in Manhattan.

Glass Of Coke

Coke Zero After Gastric Sleeve Or Gastric Bypass? The Downsides Of Carbonated Beverages

Our surgeons at Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program are well-versed in gastric sleeve weight loss surgery. However, many patients have common questions regarding what they can drink after a gastric sleeve procedure. Let’s discuss that right now so you can be best prepared.

Can You Drink Soda After Gastric Sleeve?

Our bariatric surgeons for gastric sleeve surgery in NYC do not recommend drinking soda after gastric sleeve. In fact, any kind of carbonated beverage such as soda water, alcohol, or anything else containing bubbles, should be avoided.

The reason is that the answer to “Can you drink soda after gastric sleeve” is typically no is because a lot of these carbonated beverages contain hidden sugars or carbohydrates.

So Coca-Cola, for instance, means you’re consuming hundreds of grams of sugar. Even if it doesn’t contain sugar, carbonation is still present. This expands your stomach.

Also releases carbon dioxide, which helps to expand the stomach even further. It could cause your stomach to expand too much, which could lead to severe discomfort. Bloating can put pressure on the incision unnecessarily.

However, you might be wondering “When can I have carbonation after gastric sleeve?” And aside from that, can you drink soda a year after gastric sleeve?

Yes, you can. Still, the reason why no carbonation after gastric sleeve is recommended is that your body needs time to recover.

Additional Information: Weight Loss Surgery Myths

What Should You Drink After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Drink plenty of water after gastric sleeve surgery. Flat, non-carbonated water should be your main source of hydration. Drinking flat diet soda after gastric sleeve is also okay.

Remember, food and drinks are for nutrition and sustenance. They are not for pleasure. It’s okay to enjoy the occasional treat, but during your recovery from your weight loss procedure, you need to stay disciplined.

It’s okay to drink flavored water that’s not carbonated or flavored. Also, coffee and tea can be consumed on a moderate basis during your recovery.

While there is no specific timeline to answer “When can I drink soda after gastric sleeve?” you should always consult with your surgeon to understand when it’s okay again.

What Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is a common weight loss procedure. It helps you lose weight in combination with the right diet and exercise. Gastric sleeve is also called laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy or vertical sleeve gastrectomy.

What Does Gastric Sleeve Do?

Gastric sleeve operations transform your existing pouch shaped stomach into a tube or sleeve. After the operation, your new stomach will be around the size of a banana. Because your stomach will now be smaller, your body will feel more full after consuming fewer calories.

In other words, you simply won’t crave as much food as you used to. Since you will be consuming fewer calories, your weight can naturally reduce over time as a result. When performed by a qualified bariatric surgeon, gastric sleeve surgery is very safe.

When it comes to losing weight, gastric sleeve surgery is one of the more common procedures that patients consider.

Achieve Your Ideal Weight Today

Gastric sleeve surgery is an incredibly popular option for dropping the excess pounds that you’re carrying around. If you have any questions about this operation or other options for weight loss surgery, reach out to our team today.

We’ll also clear up any information you need about why no carbonation after gastric bypass is the standard. Schedule a free consultation with a quick phone call.

Woman Holding Her Stomach

How To Get Rid Of Gas After Gastric Bypass & Gastric Sleeve

When it comes to losing weight, gastric bypass surgery is one of the most effective ways to achieve your long-term health targets.

Still, there are some side effects to keep in mind, such as additional bloating or gas as you’re getting adjusted to the recovery period. Let’s talk about the reasons behind that and how to reduce trapped gas after gastric bypass surgery in NYC.

Painful Or Horrible Smelling Gas After Gastric Bypass

It’s normal to have some gas after your bariatric surgery. If you have gas pain years after gastric bypass, then that’s another issue. That being said, there are a few different potential causes for this.

The gastrointestinal tract could stop absorbing or breaking down nutrients as effectively. Additionally, you may be adjusting new dietary changes that can cause sensitivities resulting in additional gas.

However, regardless of the reasons, let’s talk about how to get rid of gas after gastric sleeve. Of course, if you are experiencing consistent painful gas, that’s something that you should speak with your doctor or surgeon about. Still, for the occasional side effects like ​​trapped gas after gastric bypass that most patients see, here are some strategies to keep it limited:

Gastric Bypass And Gas: Limiting Occurrences Of Flatulence

Smelly gas after gastric bypass, consistent gas pain after gastric bypass, and other related symptoms typically have some of the following fixes:

Be Mindful Of What You Eat

Many people tend to overeat. The more food you consume, the more your body has to break down. This can result in undigested food, which causes gasses. Additionally, the faster you eat, the more likely you are to have gas.

Read more: Risks of Overeating After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Chew Your Food Thoroughly

Chew 20 to 30 times if possible per bite. Mindful eating is incredibly beneficial. This allows you to get a head start on digestion and reduce excess gas after bariatric surgery.

Watch Out For Foods That Can Trigger Flatulence

Dairy, beans, and alcohol are examples of foods that can trigger additional gas production. If you want to limit excess gas after bariatric surgery, then be kind to your gastrointestinal tract and avoid common foods that create flatulence.

Use Probiotics

Probiotics are essentially good microorganisms, like bacteria, that help you digest food faster. By taking probiotic supplements, you’ll break down food more effectively, and less bacteria will be left in the gut. Ultimately, this is less fuel for gas.

Take Medications

Your doctor can prescribe you certain medications. However, there are some over-the-counter medications that your surgeon may suggest. This could include lactase supplements and alpha-galactosidase supplements, like Beano. They can help reduce bloating after gastric bypass.

Stay Active

The more hydrated and active you are, the better your body will turn food into energy instead of it sitting in your intestines and turning into gas. Even a short 20 or 30 minute walk occasionally can help.

Speak With A Skilled Bariatric Surgeon Right Now

Gas is nothing to worry about if it comes in moderation after bariatric surgery in NYC. However, excessive gas after gastric bypass is a concern. But reach out to our experts for bariatric surgery at Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program today. You’ll learn what your options are and how to get your weight under control once again.

Woman Checking Herself In Front Of A Mirror

What Tests Are Done Before Gastric Bypass Surgery & VSG?

With obesity becoming such a common problem in the U.S., many people are looking for effective solutions such as bariatric surgery. Gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy are two weight loss operations that are incredibly common today.

You can regain the look you had in your earlier years with weight loss surgery. Of course, you’ll need to put some work in. The right diet and exercise regimen is crucial for keeping the weight down. But everyone loves to look younger these days.

Bariatric procedures can be performed safely and effectively by qualified surgeons. That being said, you might be wondering what kind of tests you may need to undergo before qualifying for these weight loss operations. Let’s talk about some of the common tests you should plan for.

And if you’re considering weight loss surgery in New York City, reach out to our clinic today., reach out to our clinic today. We offer a variety of bariatric procedures that can help you maintain your ideal figure.

What Tests Are Done Before Bariatric Surgery?

Before you get weight loss surgery, there are some common gastric bypass and gastric sleeve pre-op tests that your surgeon may request or require. So what tests are done before gastric sleeve and other bariatric surgeries?

These tests can include:

Physical Exam

Before your operation, your surgeon will want to examine your overall physical state. These can include BMI, blood pressure, sleep apnea, and more. They may also review your medical history and the medications that you’re currently on.

If you have any kind of allergies or pre-existing conditions, be sure to inform your surgeon of these before going any further. This allows your surgeon to assess your risk and potential benefits of undergoing bariatric surgery.

Blood Tests

In order to reduce complications that could arise during surgery, a blood test will be ordered. Blood tests before bariatric surgery are very common. They’re an important step for determining if you’re qualified for weight loss surgery.

These look at your kidney function, electrolyte levels, and liver function, as well as your blood count. You may be iron deficient, for instance.

Read More : What To Know About Iron Deficiency After Gastric Surgery

This allows the surgeon to suggest diet, lifestyle changes, or supplements before the procedure, if necessary. This will keep your risk level low during and after the procedure.

Barium Test

An upper GI series or barium swallow may be required before you undergo weight loss surgery. This evaluates your upper digestive system, your stomach, your small intestine, and even your esophagus.

It involves drinking barium, which is a chalky liquid, and allows the surgeon to see your digestive system on an X-ray.


An ultrasound can assess the size of your gallbladder and liver, and see if there are any abnormalities that need to be addressed before your procedure. That’s why pre-op testing for gastric bypass and VSG is so crucial.

Get Bariatric Surgery With Confidence

You should love what you see when you look in the mirror every morning. Gastric sleeve in NYC can help you slim down to the figure you’ve always dreamed of.

Health, diabetes, heart disease, and other illnesses can be caused by obesity or excess weight that you’re carrying around. By investing in weight loss surgery, you can help mitigate these risks as you age. Contact us today to learn more about your options.